ARCH 653 Project 1 Midterm

30 St. Mary Axe (The Gherkin)

October 29th, 2017

At the heart of the City, at 30 St. Mary Axe, the headquarters of the Swiss Reinsurance Company is not only an unmistakable landmark on the London skyline, but also the first skyscraper built with British capital ecological criteria.
The Gherkin

1. Renderings:

Rendering 1

Rendering 2

Rendering 3

2. Modeling

1) Creating five reference circles based on the information about radius of specific floors.
Reference Circles

2) Creating geometry by create solid form based on these five circles. The shape of the mass can be changed by changing the value of elevation and radius of different reference circles.

3) Dividing the mass surface, then apply "Rhomboid" pattern for the facade.
Divided Surface
4) Creating an adaptive family and load it into the mass family. The adaptive family is made up by three different adaptive families, which are structure, frame and glass.


5) After I load the adaptive family into the mass family, there is some problem for the top part of the mass. I create a different pattern and a small top mass for the top part.
Original Top

Refined Top
6) Based on the real building, I also made an adaptive family for floor, in order to control the shape of cut in different floors. I tried to load this family in as a floor type, which not applicable. Use this shape as a reference, and loft command to generate the whole mass is the right way.
Floor Mass
7) Creating different material types for envelop panel, we can change the color of the envelop by changing their materials.
8) Loading the parametric families into project, generating floors and site views.
Project View

3. Challenging

The top part of the building is made of a new mass with different pattern, cause problems happened when I uploaded the pattern family into the project. The original top part looks bad.

4. Project Movie



ARCH 655_Project 2_Final

ARCH 655_Project 1_Midterm