ARCH 653 Project 2 Final

30 St. Mary Axe (The Gherkin) November 26th, 2017 The Gherkin Based on the Project 1, I made some improvements: 1) Rebuild the envelop by using Dynamo. This time the envelop is built up as a whole, which the top part is not seperate as what I did in the parametric mass model; 2) Two types of curtain panel were created and controled by Dynamo; 3) Add color to the facade from an image, and controled by Dynamo; 4) Add color to the facade based on solar orientation. 1. Rebuild Envelop Mass model was created by using series node. Curtain Panel was created in Project 1, so I just use that Panel with two different types - Tinted & Non-tinted here. Then I linked this curtain panel family to the mass family, in orde...